Sunday 12 April 2009

How to Deal With Immensely Rude People?

Many times in your life you will meet those rude people that you don't like, but have to pretend to anyway! This article will teach you all about how to deal with them.


1. Look right at them say their name and tell them to stop. Keep repeating until their attitude changes or they stop. Example "Mike, stop", or you can say, "That's not appeciated, cut that out." Keep increasing aggressiveness as necessary until the balance of power is equalized. They don't want to cooperate with you, they want to control you.

2. Be better than them. If they brag or do something annoying, look at their facial expressions. Is their face blank and matter-of-fact, or does it have a smirk? If it is the latter, proceed on. If it isn't, simply try to turn the conversation.

3. Take a second to maintain your calm. After a while, you will start doing this automatically.

4. Give a smart, but polite reply that will not hurt either of you, but deeply satisfy your feelings. Here are some examples:

"I have a cell phone. I bet you don't!" you would say "Of course I don't. I don't need one, as I prefer to enjoy talking to people face-to-face."

"Why are you acting like a nerd?" say "I'm sorry. I am a geek not a nerd."

5. Always be on the ready. Whenever you are at leisure, think of some common crows that people make, and make your own polite reply.

6. Don't give them what they want by acting jealous. If they keep bragging, just smile and say "That's nice."

7. Act like you're more mature than they are.

8. Steer the conversation away to something they couldn't possibly be rude about, like the weather.

9. Avoid them if they keep on bothering you.

10. Try to ignore them if they keep on bothering you after you try all of the previous steps.

Works well if you are still at school, do not do step one in a place of work. The rest of the tips are OK if a little childish.

(taken from;

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